Saturday 2 August 2014

Many ask – what is the difference between Astrology and Numerology?

Many ask – what is the difference between Astrology and Numerology? Astrology uses the configuration of the stars in the sky on the day we were born to interpret, expound and elucidate human existence on earth While numerology uses the metaphysical interpretation of our birthdates and the numerical values of our birth names to illuminate, clarify and explain our life's purpose and human existence on earth Can Numerology Change Your Life?By the way, what is the meaning of this esoteric word called Numerology? In the most simplistic terms, numerology is the metaphysical interpretation of our birthdates as well as the numerical values of our birth names Numerology decodes the alphabets in our names to numbers for interpretation The day we were born endows us with certain natural powers Similarly, our birth names influence our existence on earth Numerology can be used to reveal your strengths and weaknesses It can pinpoint your natural talents and abilities Numerology can identify your present and future potentials It can locate all your hidden and latent natural powers Some ask – who invented this esoteric science called numerology? All we know is that numerology has been in use since time immemorial The ancients have used numerology to advance their own knowledge thereby gaining mastery over their own lives and the environment A numerological analysis of your life can identify the traits to accentuate It can reveal what type of behavior you should minimize and play down It can help discover the specific natural powers you should maximize It can pinpoint the exact character you need to capitalize on Metaphysicians believe that any area of knowledge that helps to explain the nature of human existence on earth is worth looking into All circumstances considered, keep in mind that it is your own life Please always remember to stay happy

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